NUL%Graphics modes only, (EGA/VGA cards).U G7FLDP_SETUP_INPUT G7FLDP_YES_ANSWER G7FLDP_INPUT_REALU G7FLDP_INPUT_INTU G7FLDP_INPUT_FILE_NAME U G7FLDP_INPUT_ALPHAU G7FLDP_INPUT_FIELDU G7FLDP_INPUT_NUMERICU G7FLDP_EXTRACT_VALUESU PASSWORDER01U Creating a new password record.U INPUT_PASSWORD -Item is not a password, reenter external key?>Password not found in Master Index file, reenter external key?9That password is not unique, please reenter a unique one:BThat record was found, but it is not valid for this file, reenter. DEMOPASSER01APassword is invalid for the specified file, reenter external key?8A valid password is necessary, change internal pass key? PASSWORDER01=Password validated in Master Index, do you wish to change it? Enter the old internal pass key: Internal password validated. Deleting old password record. Enter new external password: PASSWORDER030Password validated in the Master Index, standby.,Note: Blank password gives unlimited access.CBlank password, unlimited access can only be changed by Supervisor. PASSWORDER09 PASSWORDER08>Supervisory pass key validated in Master Index control record.,Do you wish to change the internal pass key?1Unrecoverable error, delete this password record?)Enter the pass key for this Master Index: PASSWORDER02 PASSWORDER07*Password is invalid, reenter external key.EPassword not validated as per request (new file, or not appropriate).U #G7FLDP_DELETE_LAST_RECORD_AND_ABENDU G7FLDP_ENTER_PASSWORD MDXPASSWORD SCRPASSWORD 2Enter the internal pass key for this password key: PASSWORDER05U G7FLDP_ENTER_INTERNAL_PASSWORD MDXPASSWORD SCRPASSWORD "Password is invalid, please retry. PASSWORDER03 PASSWORDER01U G7FLDP_CHANGE_INTERNAL_PASSWORD 9A blank password can only be changed in Supervisory mode. Enter the Old internal pass key: Enter the New internal pass key:GChanging the password field for each record in the Master Index file...HDone changing password fields and internal pass key, no errors detected.6Done changing the password fields, no errors detected. PASSWORDER06U G7FLDP_INPUT_VLTC 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 %s VLT Values: VLTINPUTSY01U G7FLDP_INPUT_EOLK 9 222 5 13 155 21 4 27 0 0 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EOL Values: EOLINPUTSY01U G7FLDP_INIT_MNEMONICS YVAL XVAL YRES XRES HIWHT YELLO HIMAG HIRED HICYA HIGRN HIBLU GREY WHITE BROWN MAGEN RED CYAN GREEN BLUE BLACK C CSHRP D DSHRP E F FSHRP G GSHRP A ASHRP B HI_C HI_CS HI_D HI_DS HI_E HI_F HI_FS HI_G ADAGI MODER ALLEG PREST WHOLE HALF QRTR EIGHT SIXTN REST SRCH HGHLT RSRCT SETPA ADDPA CMP JMPEZ JMPNZ JMPGT JMPLT JMP ADD SUB MULT DIV AND OR XOR PUSHI PUSHV COERCE TYPCK PUSH POP MARK SYNC MENU FORM HELP CALL RET INPUT OUTPT PEA LEA LOCK RELES SEMI4 WAIT SIGNLU G7FLDP_SET_MNEM_VALUESU 01/01/80 00:00:00U G7KBED_EDIT_DATE_OR_TIME G7KBED_EDIT_INT G7KBED_EDIT_REAL G7KBED_EDIT_ANSWER G7KBED_EDIT_FILE_AND_EXT G7KBED_EDIT_FILE_NAME G7KBED_EDIT_FILE_NAMES G7KBED_EDIT_ALPHA G7KBED_EDIT_NUMERIC G7KBED_EDIT_LONG G7KBED_EXTRACT_VALUE E R c k 2 A o !,!7!)>G>]>{> ?-?K?a? @1@O@e@ A4AJAiA B=BSBrB C'CFC\C{C D0DODeD E#E9EXEnE F,FBFaFwF G5GKGjG H>HTHsH IEIWI\I M$N6N;N/O@OQObOsO PYQrQ QMR_RdR S$S>SKShS|S T,TET V1V7VCVfV W(W3WTW X@XOXdXjXsX Y(Y.Y7YIYiY YPZbZgZ~Z [*[;[J[ \*\>\I\W\k\v\ ])].]G]f]z] ^C^L^^^m^ _%_4_U_m_s_|_ a6afMf[fuf g%g4gQgbg h;hKhbhhhqh .Error initializing Modem port, reconfigure it.U %Maximum alarms for this day exceeded.4Maximum alarms for this day reached, discarded some.U GEN7CLCK.PCXU ESC - Exit.U View Only Modify Text Choose Edit mode: ESC - Exit. Error opening edit window. Internal External Choose Editor type: Error changing directoriesU G7RUN_COMPACTED_BOOK_STUDY SDX/ERROR OPENING COMPACTED TEXT FILES, ABORTING...&ERROR OPENING TEXT WINDOW, ABORTING...U Select filebox to use.U -Please select a file to edit first (or none).U Create new edit file? &Please enter the name of the new file: Cannot find File. COMPACTED TEXT WORDS Strike Esc to exit.U :Press continue to exit GEN7, press cancel to stay in GEN7. Drive not ready...U Send Formfeed to Printer? -Please enter the file mask of files to print:U &Spool files to Printer from file mask? -Spooler is not installed, cannot spool files.$Spool all selected files to Printer? Choose next printer function: Manage Spooler Spool filesU PASSWORD FILENAME=%Invalid passwords may terminate GEN7.U /Enter the password key of a super user (Chief):(Password not a Super Password, aborting.U @Enter the external password key assigned to the user logging on:U Choose new lock position: Locked UnLocked7Only authorized personnel may change the lock position.U PASSWORD FILENAME=,Invalid passwords may terminate the program./Enter the user external password key to change:U 'At least 1 drive required in work area!U !Two drives required in work area!U No files to delete.U *Select file box to begin wholesale delete. Leave delete confirmation on? Turn delete confirmation on?U 4File box must be open to show where to begin search. Select file box to begin search. Please enter the file to find:U #Delete ALL entries w/o keep active?+Disable Accounting transactions at startup?*Enable Accounting transactions at startup? *.SHFU (Choose Current mode for voice output in Enabled DisabledU /Only 200 files allowed in song queue at a time.U .CMFU Select a CMF file first!U 'Play internal GEN7 song, or a CMF file? CMF File GEN7 Internal song&Put this song in the empty song queue?)Adding song to the end of the song queue.U +All songs were deleted from the song queue.U Clear whole song queue?3Songs will not restart until another one is played. Clock Calculator Errors Feedback EffectsU Please select a BMP or ICO file.U Wallpaper: U Close file boxes! No user icons to remove! File not selected!%Please select a EXE, COM or BAT file. Internal Icon External *.ICO Choose Icon Symbol Source::Open a filebox to directory of icons (or use File Finder). Icon Display$File not selected (BMP or ICO file)! .ICOU >Select an EXE, COM or BAT file to be a screen saver (or none).U Unmodified copies may be shared for a nominal duplication fee.FThe Bible Study may be used freely, there is no required registration.GPlease look for other products offered by Synergistic Consultants, Inc. GEN7, Evaluation Version.2Please purchase the modules you would find useful.#GEN7, Registered Shareware Version. GEN7, Commercial Version.U zyxwvUTSRQponmLKJIhgfeDCBAintl18 Daily Quote: Press continue for next quote...U 00000000000000 GEN7 Software New Owner Name: Registration Number: Is this correct? Registered to: %Synergistic Consultants, Incorporated GEN7 Software, F1 = Help Copyright (c) 1990,95 is logged on. Version: '1-800-828-8384 Compuserve ID: 71232,257 Evaluation Version. Not for Resale.U BCannot initialize the Voice module, this feature will be disabled.GThe computer's CPU is too slow for Voice output, a 10MHz 286 is needed.CError initializing the Voice module, this feature will be disabled.U U GroupMask, CURRENT_GROUP=&SL, CURRENT_SECURITY_LEVEL, ReturnVal=U Abort Songs Playing Select the song name to use. U Remove Song Clear Queue Choose Song Queue Operation: Song: deleted from the song queue.U -Sorry, this application really needs a mouse!4Cannot continue, aborting, press enter when ready... Could not find edit file. Cannot open wallpaper: using default.0A valid password is required to logon, aborting.@Cannot initialize the sound card, internal speaker will be used. GEN7CRDT.PCXU >\ L't 0 E i r !B!R!~! "3"8"L"Y"r" #'#,#@#M#e#u#~# $#$,$1$]$u$ % %%%+% & &\&n&}& &H'Q'e'j' ()(5(X( ) *G* +!,?,H,g,{, - -F-d-m- .3.I.^.c.r.z. / /E/a/p/{/ 0^0v0 081=1 2W2d2x2 6+606D6I6V6 7%7*7O7^7c7|7 9+979C9O9 ;S;b;g; ;&(>L>q> @-@T@d@s@ @8AGALAeAqA}A$B C/CECvC D-D2DYDhD E=EMEWEhE|E FCFUFZFnF HhHzH H3ICIkIuI I>JNJXJ K&KKK^K M$NHNfNkNpNwN OLO^OcO O!P&P5PZQ R$RCRHRORcRhR S S5S_S|S T#T7TLT\T U!UsU V,V6V@VEVOV X/XCXVXxX YDYTYkY Z%Z/Z>ZUZkZ [,[L[x[ \<\K\P\\\a\ ]-]E]q] ][^j^o^ ^1_@_E_^_j_v_ `&`+`D`P`\`h`t` a%a*a/aAa]aeaja c[c}c d*d/d>dmd g$g6g;g@gRgWg\gngsgxg k%k*k/kAkFkKk]kbkgkyk~k l!l&l+l=lOlTlYlkl}l m:m?mDmVm[m`mjmom n4n9n>nPnUnZndnin{n o-o2o7oAoFoXo]obo o@p^p p8q=qRq[qdq rBrlr t1tBtKt v%vQvevxv w)wGwQw`wkw x8xAxTxkx y'yAyXyry {-{2{J{O{`{x{ }*}5}A}F}K}U}Z} ~J~k~{~ <----------- --------- --------- --------- ---------U ----------- ---------U !Please enter mortgage information%How much money to you wish to borrow?,What is the annual interest rate in percent?KDo you wish to enter the number of Monthly Payments, or the Payment amount? Monthly pmts Payment amt.'How much do you wish to pay each month?0How many months do you wish to pay on this loan?*What month will your first payment be due?)What year will your first payment be due?/Do you wish to print the report to the printer?U $tRSP $tRSP Amortization Schedule: Amount: % Annual Interest Rate) Year: 1 Payment Interest Principal BalanceU Amortization Schedule % Annual Interest Rate) Payment Interest Principal BalanceU Totals TotalsU Press continue for next year...#Aborting the amortization schedule.$Aborting the amoritization schedule.#Exitting the amortization schedule.U * 4 > H V h G7PHONE.DAT Abort Address List-Select the name of the address record to use. U G7PHONE.DATU (Cannot modify the GEN7 phone list entry.U (Cannot delete the GEN7 phone list entry. Delete phone entry: G7PHONE.DATU Dialing number: 1Press any key for computer to release phone line. Please enter the delay between screens in 1/10 secs. (approx): SCRNFLAGER01 SCRNFLAGSY01)Please enter if screen output is desired: SOUNDFLGER01 SOUNDFLGSY01(Please enter if sound output is desired: SPESCHARER01 SPESCHARSY019Enter the escape character for alternate items in printf: MSTRFLNMER01 MSTRFLNMSY01 Master Index File name: PCSCREEN.MDX SCRNFLNMER01 SCRNFLNMSY01 Screen File name: PCSCREEN.SCR VGA or EGA Enter the Super Password: PASSWORDER01 DMSPRPASER01 DMSPRPSYER01,Reading a dummy Supervisory Password Record. INITSCRNER01 INITSCRNSY01 Enter the initial screen name: DFLTRUNTER01 DFLTRUNTSY01U +G7MISC_READ_AND_VALIDATE_FILE_NAME_PASSWORD PASSWORDMDX PASSWORDSCR FILENAMEER01 FLPSOPENSY01 MASTER INDEX ITEM NAME ITEM TYPEU Abort zyxwvUTSRQponmLKJIhgfeDCBAintl18 Abort U ERROR TERMINATION: Gen7, Evaluation Version. Gen7, Commercial Version.6Copyright (c) 1990-1995 Synergistic Consultants, Inc.6Thank you for using GEN7. Press any key to continue...U GEN7MOUS.PCXU $!C!M! ! "O" "t#{# #-$2$b$ $\%}% *]*~* , ,/,:,I,N,S,],b,n,x,}, - -%-9->-C-U-Z-_-q-v-{- .*.@.I.N.S.a.m.z. /!/0/B/K/ 0$0E0f0 0O1W1a1n1 2$2+222 G7CLDR_MEMO_FILE_NAME GEN7MMYY.CALU G7CLDR_PLAY_SONG G7CLDR_PLAY_SONG, SongPlaying="Before G7SONG_PLAY_SONG, duration='Exitting G7CLDR_PLAY_SONG, SongPlaying=U Song Names: Hymn Names: GRENSLEV BLULLABY GRADSONG STARSPNG SILENTNT WE3KINGS OCMASTRE TWELVDAY MESSIAH JOY2WRLD NUTCRAKR BUMBLEB ROCKAGES AMAZGRAC HEISLORD KUMBAYAH FAITHFUL NOEL U G7CLDR_INPUT_MUSIC_ID *.JBX Juke Boxes Song Categories Songs$Cannot find the juke box file: *.JBXU G7CLDR_CALCULATE_ACCOUNT_NUMU G7CLDR_UPDATE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE Account not found. Modify check number? Check Number: Five Digits:U G7CLDR_JMDYU G7CLDR_MDYJU G7CLDR_SAVE_MEMOS zyxwvUTSRQponmLKJIhgfeDCBAintl18 Error creating Memo file. Error opening Memo file.JRetry with fewer Memo files, or increase max. open files with /nXX option. Error seeking Memo file. GEN7REPT.CAL#Error creating Repeating Memo file."Error opening Repeating Memo file.IRetry with fewer Memo files, or increase max. open files with /nXX option Error writing Memo file.U G7CLDR_MAKE_MEMO_FILE GEN7REPT.CAL Version: Memo made: &(c) Synergistic Consultants, Inc. & All Rights Reserved U G7CLDR_MOVE_MEMOS GEN7&Memo file corrupted, reload and retry.U G7CLDR_READ_MEMO_FILE zyxwvUTSRQponmLKJIhgfeDCBAintl18 Error opening Memo file.IRetry with fewer Memo files, or increase max. open files with /nXX option Error seeking Memo file. Error reading Memo file. GEN7)Memo file is corrupted, reload and retry..Memo count is too small, rerun with /c option.U G7CLDR_LOAD_MEMOS GEN7REPT.CAL .\.Memo count is too small, rerun with /c option.U G7CLDR_DISCARD_MEMOU G7CLDR_SET_MEMO_POSU |;&;E G7CLDR_INIT_MONTH%Maximum alarms for this day exceeded.4Maximum alarms for this day reached, discarded some.&Error in account balance in memo file. Account overdraw.U G7CLDR_DRAW_NUMBERSU G7CLDR_DRAW_CALENDAR Help Clear! Weekly BiWeekly Monthly G7CLDR_SET_STRINGS_AND_LENGTHS Credit Manual Account Balance#Error in check amount in memo file. Daily QuoteU G7CLDR_ACCOUNT_NUM Enter the Account (1-4): Account: Account already open, delete?U G7CLDR_ALARM_TIME Use 24 hour notation. Time: MM 00:00:00 23:59:00 Music Choose Alarm Type:U G7CLDR_DRAW_MEMO_BOX Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday G7CLDR_PRINT_CHECK Memo: Account: Check: Grace: Invalid Account Number. Accounting module not enabled modify dropU G7CLDR_CONFIGURE_DAILY_QUOTE Disable Reconfigure Choose new configuration: All Categories One Category Shelves Books ChaptersU alarm abort postU G7CLDR_NEW_MEMO.Memo count is too small, rerun with /c option. Other Accounting Standard Choose Memo Type: Quotes$No Accounts open, opening a new one. Credit/Debt New Account Choose Transaction Type: Manual Automatic Choose Credit/Debt Type: Credit *.SHF Grace before and after: Days: 01000 Check Number: Five Digits: U Accounting module not enabled Credit or Debt already posted. Daily Quote Post this now?.Memo count is too small, rerun with /c option.U G7CLDR_RECONCILE_ACCOUNTU G7CLDR_CLEAR_CAL Clearing memos for current month G7CLDR_CLEAR_MONTH Clear!U G7CLDR_PROCESS_MARKED Unlimited duration? Number of days to mark. Weekly Number of weeks to mark. BiWeekly Number of months to mark. MonthlyU Help BiWeekly Monthly Weekly Memo(s) exist, create a new one?U G7CLDR_SHOW_CALENDARU G7CLDR_CHECK_MEMOSU G7CLDR_PRINT_NUMBER G7CLDR_GET_NUMBERU G7CLDR_LEAD_DAYS Set reminder look-ahead in days.U FIs the order that the words are found not important (any ordering ok)?XReturn line(s) with any subset of the requested words (do not need every one requested)? Return after first match?&Number of lines search words may span.U G7CLDR_GET_TITLE_LINE_INFOU G7CLDR_FIND_TITLE_STRING U G7CLDR_SET_BOOK_TITLE GEN7U &;Uh|% &;Efr &;Ejw / 9 C M W a p u !'!,!Q!b!g!o! $3$Q$i$n$ $4%L%Q%\%k%|% &#&?&W&\&g& '"'8'B'G'e' ' (W( 1A4d4i4z4 5H5t5y5 6,6A6N6c6l6 747I7^7s7 748d8 <23><>N>`>r> >K?^?c? @"@T@f@ B;CeC D1D6DODcDsD DGETEzE EFFZF_F GHGMG_GqG H H*H8HWHcH~H I9IIIYI^IcI K2KaK L(L7LRLaL M#M(M=MRM_M MCNVN[N O4OFOXOxO P7PVPaPyP P,Q1Q Q>RTRfR{R S(S-S2S U,U^ _#`8`G`i` `$a)a?aUaZa bGcLc e)eSeXeme|e g$g)g5g i3i;iQiViliqi jdjij kIl|l m$m)m o&pDp q0qGq r-r{J{ |!|q| }V}[} ~P~U~m~r~ Quiz Press 'A' To Finish Match Time In Window Use Arrow Buttons New Time Move Hands Time Tutor:U Select Digits Operations Memory Calculator Level 1 + or - Level 2 or * Length:5 Length:9 U = 0 0U Math Tutor: Operators Digits Memory Level 1 Level 2 Reset Calculatr Time Tutor: Answer Minute 5 Minutes 12:00U Correct: Missed:U Correct! Sorry! Answer: Math Tutor: Try Again! 0 Remember! = 0U Division by zero 0 Overflow error 0 Remember! Math Tutor: = 0U Correct! Sorry! Answer: Try Again! Time Tutor:U Correct! Math Tutor: Sorry! Answer: Try Again!U Correct! Math Tutor: Sorry! Answer: Try Again!U Overflow error 0 GEN7CALC.PCXU <*r/Y>r> A9AAA B5BGBLB`BtB C1CCCHChC CGEuE G,H|H H IcI J"J'JlJ LKMyM N+O5O P*P2PMP QCQVQiQ|Q R"R*R>RxR S S9SXS`S{S T.TVT^TyT U&UEUMUhUyU VQVYVtV W@W[WtW X X9XFXNXiX9Cannot print manual if printer is busy, please try later. *Error writing to printer, please check it. End of Page: U 2Make sure the printer is on-line with paper in it.- GEN7 User's Guide./ (c) Copyright 1990,954 Synergistic Consultants, Inc.*Error writing to printer, please check it. Printing Page: U Page of U Next Last Next Last GEN7HELP.PCXU GEN7CRDT.PCXU #GEN7 Help file not in search paths. Error opening GEN7 Help file. zyxwvUTSRQponmLKJIhgfeDCBAintl18)GEN7 Help Index file not in search paths.#Error opening GEN7 Help Index file. Error in GEN7 Help Index file.U $ ) P [ COMSPEC .exeU Not an executable file! COMSPEC GEN7SWAP.$$$ Executing command: Strike any key to continue. . .U \...\U Continue Cancel File already exists, replace?U #WARNING...Total bytes > bytes free!U 100%U *Are you sure you want to delete this File?U +Maximum file count exceeded, partial outputU Continue Size: Date: Time: U +Spooler already busy, file will be spooled.%Send file to Printer now or spool it?"Error submitting file to spooler: Spooler not open, print now?U Directory: Create DirectoryU 2 drives required in work area! Copying Record. Extracting Record. Copying File to Record. Copying File.U Please close Drive Info Box!U Files: Bytes: Print EraseU Drive U System Programs TutorsU Error with icon: U ToolsU Copying files Abort multiple copy?U Moving files Abort multiple move?U &Warning... Delete confirmation is off! Delete marked files?3Turn delete confirmation off, or confirm each file? Deleting... Abort multiple delete?U - Drive stats - No label Volume ID: Size: k-bytes Free: Total | Selected Files: Bytes: U ?New file selection mask (* and ? allowed, separated by commas):.The string is invalid, example: (*.EXE,*.COM).U *.*>Enter file selection mask of files to delete (* and ? allowed)(The string is invalid, example: (*.EXE)..Attempt to remove subdirectories also (RMDIR)?U Error removing directory: U found.?Maximum file count exceeded, partial output (try using * and ?) Abort File List *.* U PRINT.EXE %r%}% %?&O&^& '$'='L'|' ( (5(O(p( )%)4)G)Z)t) *#*2*B*L*W*f*y* +$+/+>+O+Z+e+t+ ,.,<,A,G,Y,^,r,w, .(.G.]. /Z/_/e/|/ 2:3f3 5$6)6:6B6}7 8'8,8 :&:U:f: ;!;3;E;N;u;}; <*<<<]XQX\XoX Y)Y3Y>YHYWYgY Z5ZDZ [#[2[P[q[ \(\-\ ]3]`]r] _0_M_d_i_ `<`R`\`a`g`{` a0a:aHa[a a%b/b>bRbub cBdfd d#eIe g2hIhnh i4i9i>i k4k^k l lEl]lzl mZm_m mInRnlnun o%o.o?oHoMoYojooozo Error submitting: U /Spooler is active, select one of the following: Cancel all files. Exit GEN7 now.U 'Select file to delete from spool queue. The print queue is empty. Abort Spooled files 'Spool File Cancelled from Print Queue: U LPT3U cancel to abort. Cancel aborts file spooler. Error Spooling file: U Spooling: U 0 I W s ?Please make a purchase, there are no programs in this category.U Rename file: to Filename: Copy from: to Filename: Copying file Dos version You must select a file. Run external program Command line:U Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Date: Use 24 hour notation. Time: 180kb 360kb 1.2mb 720kb 1.44mb Continue Cancel Disk format size Drive A: Drive B: Continue Size Cancel B: U Available Program Free Space: ContinueU Format DiskU Format System DiskU Continue Cancel Copy Disk Source: Target: COMSPEC GEN7SWAP.$$$ Type EXIT to return to Gen7. Error changing directories Enter command line parameters Command line:U Error opening icon: 'Error opening icon, PCIO_IO_ERROR_CODE= ???????? Error reading icon: 'Error reading icon, PCIO_IO_ERROR_CODE= Icon file: is of an invalid format. Error closing icon file: 'Error closing icon, PCIO_IO_ERROR_CODE=U Internal Icon External *.ICO Choose Icon Symbol Source: Please enter the icon directory: :"Not a valid directory, reenter it? *.ICO#Select Icon and click in work area. =J'u= =K'u; Chief Tender Foot Brave Pale Face Choose group(s) to access Icon:U JSelect icon category (System, User, Tutors, Programs) and click in square.U 'Select Icon category of program to add.*Enter parameters when program is executed?:Please enter constant execution parameters now if desired: Not an executable file!*No icons found in that directory, reenter? Label on Icon:1Enter maximum security level to access this icon: Icon created!U No user icons to remove... Continue Cancel*Select Icon category of program to remove.#Select Icon and click in work area. !Cannot remove GEN7 internal icon. Remove Icon? Error with icon: U IBM PC IBM PC/XT or Portable PC IBM PC/AT IBM PC/XT 286 IBM PS/2 Model 50 IBM PS/2 Model 60 IBM PS/1 Unknown IBM PC/XT IBM PS/2 Model 30 IBM Convertable IBM PS/2 Model 80 Compaq DeskPro Compaq Portable Compaq Portable Plus Model: Present Not detected Coprocessor: 40x25 color text 80x25 color text 80x25 monochrome text Video mode: Floppy drives: Serial ports: Printer ports: Game adapter: OkU 'No editor (EXE or COM file) selected... Editor Not an executable file! Continue Cancel Install editorU " 6 ? ] b i "9"c"|" #.#i# $#$D$S$ &$&)&F& *@*P*`*e* +$+.+<+F+K+_+o+ ,,,>,U, ,\-l- -1.x. /./C/ 0^0~0 0&141F1V1h1v1 2/242C2K2T2`2l2 3>3V3 5!6\6 747H7M7b7 8+8;8V8 889W9l9 98:k: ;2!>=>M>]>h>w> ?)?.?u? C1C]CsC D#D>DTDbD E+EAEYEdEiE F0F;F@F\FtF G!G;GMGRGuG H;HTHmH I*IFI\IpIuI J(J-JCJYJ|J Daily quote file name is invalid Cannot open Daily quote file zyxwvUTSRQponmLKJIhgfeDCBAintl18 GEN7&Daily quote file is corrupted, reload.U zyxwvUTSRQponmLKJIhgfeDCBAintl18"CONFIGURATION FILE CREATION ERROR="Error creating Configuration file. CONFIGURATION FILE OPEN ERROR=!Error opening Configuration file. GEN7EVAL!Error writing Configuration file.U .\ zyxwvUTSRQponmLKJIhgfeDCBAintl18!Error opening Configuration file. CONFIGURATION FILE ERROR=!Error reading Configuration file. GEN7EVAL/Configuration file corrupted, reload and retry. G7CONF_GET_INDEX_LIMITS RECORD_OFFSETS= LEVEL_OF_INDICES= INDEX_START= PREVIOUS_LENGTH= INDEX_END=U 00000000000000 GEN7 Desktop GEN7 Software DAILYQUO.SHFU Error: Cannot locate: Create default file or abort?#Program terminated by the operator.U Continue Cancel reminders ON reminders OFF#Auto calendar/appointment reminder.U confirm ON confirm OFF Confirm multiple file deletion.U Monochrome Color#Please choose the new display type:U Auto save ON Auto Save OFF Auto save of configure file.U #Set screen save timer (5 min incr). Editor EDIT.COM PATHU $@<@t ERROR TERMINATION: Gen7, Evaluation Version. Gen7, Commercial Version.6Copyright (c) 1990-1995 Synergistic Consultants, Inc.6Thank you for using GEN7. Press any key to continue... GEN7LINK.TXTU G ] s [ w !%!5!@!U!j! ")"<"L"a"n"~" $!$7$<$w$ %&%8%E%J%S%w% &&&O'g'}' ()(.(3(L(Q(V(j(o(t( PKZIP User Defined. Continue Cancel Choose compression program:U U ing files. Abort multiple 0That extension is not recognized, select method.U 8Use selected filebox for compression file, or other one?U /Please select a compressed file, not directory.5Extension not recognized, is selected file one to be BSelect the file box of the directory containing files to compress.>Select the file box of the directory to decompress files into.,Overwrite existing files when decompressing?U $Select file box of compression file. \0That extension is not recognized, select method. compressU decompressU Enter the options to U Enter the user options: U ,No compression (EXE or COM file) selected... Not an executable file! Continue Cancel Install user compression.'Enter the default extension (3 chars.): create a new archive. update an archive. expand w/o overwrite. expand and overwrite.U LHA.EXE .ZIP PKZIP.EXE PKUNZIP.EXE ARCE.COMU S ] g t Before G7ICON_GET_1X, i, j=U Continue CancelU !G7USER_SET_DEFAULT_LEVEL, TGROUP= DEFAULT=U (Maximum of 32 users, cannot add anymore. New User Name: Choose Group the User is in: User security level:%Enter the external User password key: User: created!U LOOKING AT FILE: FILE_DESC_PTR^.DF_VIDR= ITEM_DESIRED= FILE_DESC_PTR= SEARCHING FILE: EOF_RECORD= FOUND ITEMS: FOUND: Record position= ERROR_CODE=U Abort Users List Stat, SelectY=U RecordPos, User=U User: deleted!&After delete index record, ERROR_CODE=U Choose Group User is in: User security level: Changing user, RecordPos= UserName= Group, Security= User: changed!U 9Configure User security items (Info, print, preferences)? Level to view info:#Choose Groups allowed to view info: Level to print: Choose Groups allowed to print: Level to set preferences:!Choose Groups to set preferences:-Configure File security items (icons, disks)? Level to access File icons: Choose Groups for File icons: Level to access User icons: Choose Groups for User icons: Level to access Program icons: Choose Groups for Program icons: Level to access System icons: Choose Groups for System icons: Level to access Tutors icons: Choose Groups for Tutors icons:5Configure Desktop security items (Music, Voice, etc)? Level to access Calendar:!Choose Groups to access Calendar: Level to play Music: Choose Groups to play Music: Level to change Voices: Choose Groups to change Voices: Level to configure Quotes:"Choose Groups to configure Quotes: Level to add/remove Icons:"Choose Groups to add/remove Icons:3Configure System security items (Shell, Exec, etc)? Level to use DOS Shell: Choose Groups to use DOS Shell: Level to Exec a program: Choose Groups to Exec a program: Level to set alarms: Choose Groups to set alarms: Level to use Read only Editor: Choose Groups to use Edit R/O:,Level to modify files in Editor or File Mgr:!Choose Groups to use Edit Modify: Level to modify passwords:"Choose Groups to change passwords: Level to modify phone/addr book:%Choose Groups to use phone/addr book:#Security levels changed, locks set!U Chief Tender Foot Brave Pale FaceU , 1 6 M R W q v { ! !_!{! !M"i" ";#W# #($D$ Licensed FORMAT.COM DISKCOPY.COM GEN7.CFG GEN7.CAL GEN7.HLP GEN7.HDX 00000000000000 GEN7 Software. PCSEV GEN7LINK.TXTU G7EDIT_DISPLAY_COMPACTED_TEXT U &;Uu| [&;EswU G7EDIT_DISPLAY_TEXT G7EDIT_DISPLAY_TEXT VRBLRNGEER01U G7EDIT_CURSOR_EDIT End of buffer reached... Replace String: Find String: String not found. With String:U G7EDIT_STRING_SEARCHU G7EDIT_STRING_REPLACE)Change exceeds line length, abort change? Split line?U G7EDIT_READ_AND_EDIT_ASCII_FILE Error opening the edit file. Do you want to save this file? Enter the file name:U G7EDIT_SAVE_TEXT_BUFFERU G7EDIT_EDIT_BUFFER U "G7EDIT_FILL_BUFFER_FROM_TEXT_FILE U G7EDIT_DRAW_TEXT_FRAME G7EDIT_OPEN_TEXT_WINDOW .CT U G7EDIT_OPEN_COMPACTED_TEXT_FILES FILEOPENER01 zyxwvUTSRQponmLKJIhgfeDCBAintl18 FILEREADER01 Compacted Text Symbol File GLBLOVFLER01U G7EDIT_OPEN_EDIT_WINDOW VRBLRNGEER01 GLBLOVFLER01U G7EDIT_OPEN_TEXT_FILE FILECREATE01 FILEOPENER01 FILESIZEER01 VRBLRNGEER01 GLBLOVFLER01U G7EDIT_GET_NEXT_LINEU &;E3r &;E3r G7EDIT_DISPLAY_HYPERTEXT_PAGE HYPRINITER01 SCONTEXTER01U #!$G$P$d$ %:&N&S&a& & '/'M'b' ).)q) *'*X* +*+O+ ,4,@,w, .@.P.y. .=/U/e/j/ 0'060E0S0f0}0 2,2a2l2|2 2E3p3 3D4X4]4 6,666N6\6 8&8I8d9b: :n;x; ;!|> ?Q?k?{? ?8@b@ @#A-A;AIA]A BmC}C DiDtD E7E[EyE F!FqF H?ISIcI IGJYJ^J}J K$K4KNKaK S SJSkSyS S!T=TMTbTrT T,UGUbU}U G7HYPR_DISPLAY_HELP_SCREEN ITEMTYPEER01 SCONTEXTER01U G7HYPR_RELEASE_HYPER_STORAGE U G7HYPR_DELETE_HYPERTEXT_BUTTON U G7HYPR_FIND_HYPERTEXT_BUTTON U G7HYPR_SET_HYPERTEXT_WINDOW G7HYPR_SET_HYPERTEXT_WINDOW INTERNALER01 HYPRREADER01U (G7HYPR_ADJUST_HYPERTEXT_STACK_VISIBILITYU G7HYPR_ADJUST_HYPERTEXT_AREAU G7HYPR_MARK_HYPER_TEXT_DEPTH U G7HYPR_CHECK_OPEN_WINDOWS &;E0~ G7HYPR_ACTIVATE_HYPER_BUTTON HYPRFINDER01 G7HYPR_ACTIVATE_HYPER_BUTTON VRBLRNGEER01 HYPRIVLDER01 HYPRREADER01U F6+F:@ G7HYPR_X_Y_IN_WINDOW U Cmds. Alt-C Chptr. Alt-L Limits. Alt-I Init. Alt-S Srch. Alt-N Mark. Alt-D Delete. Alt-G Goto. Alt-V Visit. Help. ESC Exit.U G7HYPR_SET_BOOKMARK_CHAR +Please enter the bookmark character to set:-Please reenter, that is not a valid bookmark. Bookmark already set, replace? BOOKMARKER01U G7HYPR_REMOVE_BOOKMARK_CHAR .Please enter the bookmark character to remove:-Please reenter, that is not a valid bookmark. Found Bookmark, remove?"Bookmark not set, try another one.U G7HYPR_VISIT_BOOKMARKS_CHAR +Please enter the bookmark to begin looking:-Please reenter, that is not a valid bookmark. Bookmark Removed... G7HYPR_PERUSE_HYPER_TEXT 8Please enter the Shelf/Book/Chapter to begin displaying. Quote File Book Chapter ,Please enter the bookmark character to goto:-Please reenter, that is not a valid bookmark."Bookmark not set, try another one. Find Word: Find Word(s): String not found. Searching...,G7HYPR_PERUSE_HYPERTEXT, CURRENT_SEARCH_INFO INTERNALER01 GEN7BIBL.PCXU G7HYPR_SET_INHIBIT_MASKU * @ V l !["n" "J#o# %.%Z% &(&Y&c& ' (](g( *,*1*@*}* +%+7+ +H-\-a- -3.C. /:2N2 2>3V3}3 3 484n4 4D7X7 718E8 8*9B9 :^;x;}; <(=>=V= >5?>?_?h? @8A=AMA BbBlB C!D&D6DVD D/E4EGEmExE F!F3FfGzG I.IUIqIvI I*JMemory is exhausted, garbage collection not enabled, aborting.U S X ] q PCARHV_NEXT_TOKEN READCMPTER01U =''t, =''t, G7IOPR_GET_RECORD_OFFSET GEN7U F&@;F F&@;F F&@;F F&@;F (G7IOPR_UNPACK_OR_DISPLAY_COMPACTED_TEXT G7IOPR_EXPAND_COMPACTED_TEXT U !G7IOPR_UNPACK_ONE_COMPACTED_LINE U G7ARHV_SET_SEARCH_LIMITS6Please enter the Shelf/Book/Chapter to begin searches. Quote File Book Chapter /Please enter the Book/Chapter to stop searches.U G7ARHV_CORRECT_ERRONEOUS_INPUT : (, not found, please clarify your intent: Reenter it Abort List Enter the new $G7ARHV_PARSE_COMPACTED_SEARCH_STRING WordU G7ARHV_APPEND_LINE_LISTU G7ARHV_SEARCH_TOKEN_LISTU G7ARHV_SEARCH_COMPACTED_TEXTU ) = B A!|! !/"M"n" #h#m# $=$M$X$f$ %2%M%p% &'&,&h&w& )#)()S) ***/*5+I+N+ G7IOPR_PUT_TEXT_RECORD U G7IOPR_GET_PUT_TEXT Error accessing text file: %s ITEMREADER01U G7IOPR_INIT_FILE_DESCRIPTION *Enter the external password for this file: PASSWORDER01 PASSWORDMDX PASSWORDSCR INDXCNTLER01U !G7IOPR_CREATE_AND_INIT_MSTR_INDX create open$Could not %s the Master Index File: *Enter the external password for this file: PASSWORDER01 PASSWORDMDX PASSWORDSCR INDXCNTLER01U G7IOPR_CREATE_MSTR_INDX_RECORD INDXCNRLER01 U G7IOPR_UPDATE_MSTR_INDX +Maximum record number exceeded, aborting...#Error writing Master Index file: %s ITEMWRITER01U G7IOPR_APPEND_MSTR_INDX +Maximum record number exceeded, aborting...U G7IOPR_CHANGE_FILE_DESC_EOF U G7IOPR_READ_MSTR_INDX +Maximum record number exceeded, aborting...#Error reading Master Index file: %s ITEMREADER01 VERSNMISER01U G7IOPR_SEARCH_MSTR_INDX_FILE U "G7IOPR_CHANGE_ALL_PASSWORD_FIELDS 8This password record: %s will be a duplicate, change it? PASSWORDER04U G7IOPR_DELETE_MSTR_INDX_REC +Maximum record number exceeded, aborting...U G7IOPR_SEARCH_MSTR_INDX_ITEM ITEMMISSER01 INTNLHANER01 ITEMTYPEER01U =s't+ =s't+ #G7IOPR_OPEN_CURRENT_MSTR_INDX_FILE ,Cannot open the Master Index File: %s, exit? INDXCNRLER01 PASSWORDER10 MASTER INDEX ITEM NAME ITEM TYPEU G7IOPR_SEARCH_FOR_OPEN_HANDLE U G7IOPR_SEARCH_FOR_OPEN_FILE U G7IOPR_GET_FILE_HANDLE U "G7IOPR_REENTER_FILE_UNTIL_CREATED 5Reenter the file name with path (same name = create): Could not open file, create it?,Could not create or open file, reenter name?U G7IOPR_FIND_AND_OPEN_FILE 3The record: %s is in the control Master Index file. /Enter control Supervisory pass key to continue: MIDXRECDER01 PASSWORDER09+Not found in Index File: %s, create record? COULD NOT CREATE FILE. FILENEEDER01 FILECREATE01%Do you wish to reenter the file name? Reenter the file name with path:.Does this file have an associated source file?"Please enter the source file name: *Enter the external password for this file: PASSWORDER01 Error opening file: %s INDXFILEER01U G7IOPR_UPDATE_FILE_EOF U G7IOPR_UPDATE_FILE_EOF_RECORD U G7IOPR_INIT_ITEM_DESIGNATOR U G7IOPR_SET_ENCRYPTION_INFO6Invalid file type in G7IOPR_SET_ENCRYPTION_INFO, exit? U t$< t S i 4 G \ l !R"w"*#/#X#l# &'&=&h&q& )j*~* * +0+ .>.N.g. 0B0N0Y0n0 1o1y1 2)3w3 314\4 4,5@5E5 6 7!7;7k7 8*8/8s8 :+;:;S;l; <&ACAWAkA B-B>BYBoB C&C:CJC C'DYDoD E"E;EKE_EsE F,F1FWFiF FLGpG J>J=L^L MGMdMoM MVNsN~N O[OyO~O P#Q2Q:QMQ{Q QARURZR U-VIVbV Y;Y@YU GEN7MOUS.PCXU d